Source code for refl1d.abeles

# This program is public domain.
Optical matrix form of the reflectivity calculation.

O.S. Heavens, Optical Properties of Thin Solid Films

This is a pure python implementation of reflectometry provided for
convenience when a compiler is not available.  The refl1d
application uses reflmodule to compute reflectivity.
from __future__ import print_function, division

from numpy import asarray, isscalar, empty, ones, ones_like
from numpy import sqrt, exp, pi

[docs] def refl(kz, depth, rho, irho=0, sigma=0, rho_index=None): r""" Reflectometry as a function of kz for a set of slabs. :Parameters: *kz* : float[n] | |1/Ang| Scattering vector $2\pi\sin(\theta)/\lambda$. This is $\tfrac12 Q_z$. *depth* : float[m] | |Ang| thickness of each layer. The thickness of the incident medium and substrate are ignored. *rho*, *irho* : float[n, k] | |1e-6/Ang^2| real and imaginary scattering length density for each layer for each kz Note: absorption cross section mu = 2 irho/lambda *sigma* : float[m-1] | |Ang| interfacial roughness. This is the roughness between a layer and the subsequent layer. There is no interface associated with the substrate. The sigma array should have at least m-1 entries, though it may have m with the last entry ignored. *rho_index* : int[m] index into rho vector for each kz Slabs are ordered with the surface SLD at index 0 and substrate at index -1, or reversed if kz < 0. """ if isscalar(kz): kz = asarray([kz], 'd') m = len(depth) # Make everything into arrays depth = asarray(depth, 'd') rho = asarray(rho, 'd') irho = irho*ones_like(rho) if isscalar(irho) else asarray(irho, 'd') sigma = sigma*ones(m-1, 'd') if isscalar(sigma) else asarray(sigma, 'd') # Repeat rho, irho columns as needed if rho_index is not None: rho = rho[rho_index, :] irho = irho[rho_index, :] elif len(rho.shape) == 1: rho = rho[None, :] irho = irho[None, :] # Force the correct branch cut for sqrt below the critical edge irho = abs(irho) + 1e-30 ## For kz < 0 we need to reverse the order of the layers ## Note that the interface array sigma is conceptually one ## shorter than rho, mu so when reversing it, start at n-1. ## This allows the caller to provide an array of length n ## corresponding to rho, mu or of length n-1. r = empty(len(kz), 'D') r[kz >= 1e-10] = _calc(kz[kz >= 1e-10], depth, rho, irho, sigma) r[kz <= 1e-10] = _calc(-kz[kz <= 1e-10], depth[::-1], rho[:, ::-1], irho[:, ::-1], sigma[m-2::-1]) r[abs(kz) < 1e-10] = -1 return r
def _calc(kz, depth, rho, irho, sigma): # type: (np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray if len(kz) == 0: return kz # Complex index of refraction is relative to the incident medium. # We can get the same effect using kz_rel^2 = kz^2 + 4*pi*rho_o # in place of kz^2, and ignoring rho_o kz_sq = kz**2 + 4e-6*pi*rho[:, 0] k = kz # According to Heavens, the initial matrix should be [ 1 F; F 1], # which we do by setting B=I and M0 to [1 F; F 1]. An extra matrix # multiply versus some coding convenience. B11 = 1 B22 = 1 B21 = 0 B12 = 0 for i in range(0, len(depth)-1): k_next = sqrt(kz_sq - 4e-6*pi*(rho[:, i+1] + 1j*irho[:, i+1])) F = (k - k_next) / (k + k_next) F *= exp(-2*k*k_next*sigma[i]**2) #print("==== layer", i) #print("kz:", kz.real) #print("k:", k.real) #print("k_next:", k_next.real) #print("F:", F.real) #print("rho:", rho[:, i+1]) #print("irho:", irho[:, i+1]) #print("d:", depth[i], "sigma:", sigma[i]) M11 = exp(1j*k*depth[i]) if i > 0 else 1 M22 = exp(-1j*k*depth[i]) if i > 0 else 1 M21 = F*M11 M12 = F*M22 C1 = B11*M11 + B21*M12 C2 = B11*M21 + B21*M22 B11 = C1 B21 = C2 C1 = B12*M11 + B22*M12 C2 = B12*M21 + B22*M22 B12 = C1 B22 = C2 k = k_next #print("B11:", B11) #print("B22:", B22) #print("B21:", B21) #print("B12:", B12) #print("1-det:", 1 - (B11*B22 - B21*B12)) r = B12/B11 return r
[docs] def check(): import numpy as np np.set_printoptions(linewidth=10000) q = np.linspace(-0.3, 0.3, 6) #q = np.linspace(0.1, 0.3, 3) layers = [ # depth rho irho sigma [ 0, 1.0, 0.0, 10.0], [200, 2.0, 1.0, 10.0], [200, 4.0, 0.0, 10.0], [ 0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0], ] # add absorption # layers[1][2] = 1.0 depth, rho, irho, sigma = zip(*layers) r = refl(q/2, depth, rho, irho=irho, sigma=sigma) print("q", q) print("r", r)
#print("r^2", abs(r**2)) if __name__ == "__main__": check()