Source code for refl1d.fitplugin

Reflectivity plugin for fitting GUI.

Note that the fitting infrastructure is still heavily tied to the reflectivity
modeling program, and this represents only the first tiny steps to separating
the two.

__all__ = ["data_view", "model_view", "new_model", "calc_errors", "show_errors"]

import numpy as np

from . import names as refl
from .errors import calc_errors, show_errors

# These are names used by the driver
[docs] def data_view(): from .view.data_view import DataView return DataView
[docs] def model_view(): from .view.model_view import ModelView return ModelView
def load_model(filename): # TODO: bumps plugin api needs to allow options for loader options = None if (filename.endswith('.so') or filename.endswith('.dll') or filename.endswith('.dyld')): from . import garefl problem = garefl.load(filename) return problem elif filename.endswith('.staj') or filename.endswith('.sta'): from .stajconvert import load_mlayer return refl.FitProblem(load_mlayer(filename)) #fit_all(, pmp=20) elif filename.endswith('.zip'): from bumps.fitproblem import load_problem # Note: bumps.vfs.vfs_init() must be called very early try: from bumps.vfs import ZipFS except ImportError: raise NotImplementedError("need newer bumps to load model from zip") with ZipFS(filename) as zf: for f in zf.filelist: if f.filename.endswith('.py'): return load_problem(f.filename, options=options) else: return None
[docs] def new_model(): stack = refl.silicon(0, 10) | refl.air instrument = refl.NCNR.NG1() probe = instrument.probe(T=np.linspace(0, 5, 200), Tlo=0.2, slits_at_Tlo=2) M = refl.Experiment(sample=stack, probe=probe) problem = refl.FitProblem(M) return problem