Source code for refl1d.flayer

import inspect

from numpy import real, imag, asarray, broadcast_to

from bumps.parameter import Parameter, BaseParameter, to_dict
from refl1d.material import SLD
from refl1d.model import Layer
from refl1d.magnetism import BaseMagnetism, Magnetism, DEFAULT_THETA_M
from refl1d import util

[docs] class FunctionalProfile(Layer): """ Generic profile function Parameters: *thickness* the thickness of the layer *interface* the roughness of the surface [not implemented] *profile* the profile function, suitably parameterized *tol* is the tolerance for considering values equal *magnetism* magnetic profile associated with the layer *name* is the layer name The profile function takes a depth vector *z* returns a density vector *rho*. For absorbing profiles, return complex vector *rho + irho*1j*. Fitting parameters are the available named arguments to the function. The first argument is a depth vector, which is the array of depths at which the profile is to be evaluated. It is guaranteed to be increasing, with step size 2*z[0]. Initial values for the function parameters can be given using name=value. These values can be scalars or fitting parameters. The function will be called with the current parameter values as arguments. The layer thickness can be computed as :func:`layer_thickness`. There is no mechanism for querying the larger profile to determine the value of the *rho* at the layer boundaries. If needed, this information will have to be communicated through shared parameters. For example:: L1 = SLD('L1', rho=2.07) L3 = SLD('L3', rho=4) def linear(z, rhoL, rhoR): rho = z * (rhoR-rhoL)/(z[-1]-z[0]) + rhoL return rho profile = FunctionalProfile(100, 0, profile=linear, rhoL=L1.rho, rhoR=L3.rho) sample = L1 | profile | L3 """ RESERVED = ('thickness', 'interface', 'profile', 'tol', 'magnetism', 'name') # TODO: test that thickness(z) matches the thickness of the layer def __init__(self, thickness=0, interface=0, profile=None, tol=1e-3, magnetism=None, name=None, **kw): if not name: name = profile.__name__ if interface != 0: raise NotImplementedError("interface not yet supported") if profile is None: raise TypeError("Need profile") = name self.thickness = Parameter.default(thickness, name=name+" thickness") self.interface = Parameter.default(interface, name=name+" interface") self.profile = profile self.tol = tol self.magnetism = magnetism # TODO: maybe make these lazy (and for magnetism below as well) rho_start = _LayerLimit(self, isend=False, isrho=True) irho_start = _LayerLimit(self, isend=False, isrho=False) rho_end = _LayerLimit(self, isend=True, isrho=True) irho_end = _LayerLimit(self, isend=True, isrho=False) self.start = SLD(name+" start", rho=rho_start, irho=irho_start) self.end = SLD(name+" end", rho=rho_end, irho=irho_end) _set_parameters(self, name, profile, kw, self.RESERVED)
[docs] def parameters(self): P = _get_parameters(self) P['thickness'] = self.thickness #P['interface'] = self.interface return P
[docs] def to_dict(self): return to_dict({ 'type': type(self).__name__, 'name':, 'thickness': self.thickness, 'interface': self.interface, 'profile': self.profile, 'parameters': _get_parameters(self), 'tol': self.tol, 'magnetism': self.magnetism, })
[docs] def render(self, probe, slabs): Pw, Pz = slabs.microslabs(self.thickness.value) if len(Pw) == 0: return #print kw # TODO: always return rho, irho from profile function # return value may be a constant for rho or irho phi = asarray(self.profile(Pz, **_get_values(self))) if phi.shape != Pz.shape: raise TypeError("profile function '%s' did not return array phi(z)" %self.profile.__name__) Pw, phi = util.merge_ends(Pw, phi, tol=self.tol) #P = M*phi + S*(1-phi) slabs.extend(rho=[real(phi)], irho=[imag(phi)], w=Pw)
[docs] class FunctionalMagnetism(BaseMagnetism): """ Functional magnetism profile. Parameters: *profile* the profile function, suitably parameterized *tol* is the tolerance for considering values equal :class:`refl1d.magnetism.BaseMagnetism` parameters The profile function takes a depth vector *z* and returns a magnetism vector *rhoM*. For magnetic twist, return a pair of vectors *(rhoM, thetaM)*. Constants can be returned for *rhoM* or *thetaM*. If *thetaM* is not provided it defaults to *thetaM=270*. See :class:`FunctionalProfile` for a description of the the profile function. """ RESERVED = ('profile', 'tol', 'name', 'extent', 'dead_below', 'dead_above', 'interface_below', 'interface_above') magnetic = True def __init__(self, profile=None, tol=1e-3, name=None, **kw): if not name: name = profile.__name__ if profile is None: raise TypeError("Need profile") # strip magnetism keywords from list of keywords magkw = dict((a, kw.pop(a)) for a in set(self.RESERVED)&set(kw.keys())) BaseMagnetism.__init__(self, name=name, **magkw) self.profile = profile self.tol = tol _set_parameters(self, name, profile, kw, self.RESERVED) rhoM_start = _MagnetismLimit(self, isend=False, isrhoM=True) rhoM_end = _MagnetismLimit(self, isend=True, isrhoM=True) thetaM_start = _MagnetismLimit(self, isend=False, isrhoM=False) thetaM_end = _MagnetismLimit(self, isend=True, isrhoM=False) self.start = Magnetism(rhoM=rhoM_start, thetaM=thetaM_start) self.end = Magnetism(rhoM=rhoM_end, thetaM=thetaM_end) self.anchor = None
[docs] def set_anchor(self, stack, index): self.anchor = (stack, index)
# TODO: is there a sane way of computing magnetism thickness in advance? def _calc_thickness(self): if self.anchor is None: raise ValueError( "Need layer.magnetism.set_anchor(stack, layer) to compute" " magnetic thickness.") stack, index = self.anchor stack, start = stack._lookup(index) total = 0 for k in range(start, start+self.extent): total += stack[k].thickness.value total -= self.dead_below.value + self.dead_above.value return total
[docs] def parameters(self): parameters = BaseMagnetism.parameters(self) parameters.update(_get_parameters(self)) return parameters
[docs] def to_dict(self): ret = BaseMagnetism.to_dict(self) ret.update(to_dict({ 'profile': self.profile, 'parameters': _get_parameters(self), 'tol': self.tol, }))
[docs] def render(self, probe, slabs, thickness, anchor, sigma): Pw, Pz = slabs.microslabs(thickness) if len(Pw) == 0: return P = self.profile(Pz, **_get_values(self)) rhoM, thetaM = P if isinstance(P, tuple) else (P, DEFAULT_THETA_M) try: # rhoM or thetaM may be constant, lists or arrays (but not tuples!) rhoM, thetaM = [broadcast_to(v, Pz.shape) for v in (rhoM, thetaM)] except ValueError: raise TypeError("profile function '%s' did not return array rhoM(z)" %self.profile.__name__) P = rhoM + thetaM*0.001j # combine rhoM/thetaM so they can be merged Pw, P = util.merge_ends(Pw, P, tol=self.tol) rhoM, thetaM = P.real, P.imag*1000 # split out rhoM,thetaM again slabs.add_magnetism( anchor=anchor, w=Pw, rhoM=rhoM, thetaM=thetaM, sigma=sigma)
def __repr__(self): return "FunctionalMagnetism(%s)"
def _set_parameters(self, name, profile, kw, reserved): # Query profile function for the list of arguments vars = inspect.getargspec(profile)[0] #print "vars", vars if inspect.ismethod(profile): vars = vars[1:] # Chop self vars = vars[1:] # Chop z #print vars unused = [k for k in kw.keys() if k not in vars] if len(unused) > 0: raise TypeError("Profile got unexpected keyword argument '%s'"%unused[0]) dups = [k for k in vars if k in reserved] if len(dups) > 0: raise TypeError("Profile has conflicting argument %r"%dups[0]) for k in vars: kw.setdefault(k, 0) for k, v in kw.items(): try: pv = [Parameter.default(vi, name=f"{name} {k}[{i}]") for i, vi in enumerate(v)] except TypeError: pv = Parameter.default(v, name=f"{name} {k}") setattr(self, k, pv) self._parameters = vars def _get_parameters(self): return {k: getattr(self, k) for k in self._parameters} def _get_values(self): vals = {} for k in self._parameters: v = getattr(self, k) if isinstance(v, list): vals[k] = asarray([vk.value for vk in v], 'd') else: vals[k] = v.value return vals class _LayerLimit(BaseParameter): def __init__(self, flayer, isend=True, isrho=True): self.flayer = flayer self.isend = isend self.isrho = isrho = (str(flayer) + (".rho_" if isrho else ".irho_") + ("end" if isend else "start")) def parameters(self): return None @property def value(self): z = asarray([0., self.flayer.thickness.value]) P = self.flayer.profile(asarray(z), **_get_values(self.flayer)) index = 1 if self.isend else 0 return real(P[index]) if self.isrho else imag(P[index]) def __repr__(self): return repr(self.flayer) + self._tag class _MagnetismLimit(BaseParameter): def __init__(self, flayer, isend=True, isrhoM=True): self.flayer = flayer self.isend = isend self.isrhoM = isrhoM = (str(flayer) + (".rhoM_" if isrhoM else ".thetaM_") + ("end" if isend else "start")) def parameters(self): return None @property def value(self): zmax = self.flayer._calc_thickness() z = asarray([0., zmax]) P = self.flayer.profile(z, **_get_values(self.flayer)) rhoM, thetaM = P if isinstance(P, tuple) else (P, DEFAULT_THETA_M) rhoM, thetaM = [broadcast_to(v, z.shape) for v in (rhoM, thetaM)] index = -1 if self.isend else 0 return rhoM[index] if self.isrhoM else thetaM[index] def __repr__(self): return repr(self.flayer) + self._tag