Source code for refl1d.lib_numba.convolve_sampled

import numba

def convolve_point_sampled(Nin, xin, yin, Np, xp, yp, xo, dx, _in):
    # Walk the theory spline and the resolution spline together, computing
    # the integral of the pairs of line segments.  Since the spline knots
    # do not necessarily correspond, we need to treat each individual segment
    # in both curves piece-wise, integrating from knot to knot in the union
    # of the two knot sets.

    # Need an undefined value in case the algorithm is broken and we don't
    # initialize the initial lines.  This would ideal be NaN, but that isn't
    # available in MSVC, so set it to something very large.  In order to avoid
    # normalizing that very large value to 1., only set the theory line to
    # undefined, and set the resolution line to 0.
    # const double undefined = 0./0.;
    undefined = 1e308
    m1 = undefined
    b1 = undefined
    m2 = 0.
    b2 = 0.
    sum = 0.
    norm = 0.
    # size_t p;
    # double delta,delta2,delta3;
    # double x, next_x, next_xin, next_xp;

    # Set the target start of the integral to xin[_in].  This may or may
    # not be beyond the end of the resolution function, depending on whether
    # we are at the left edge of the data, or somewhere inside.
    next_xin = xin[_in]

    # Set p to the point just before next_xin
    for p in range(1, Np):
        if (xo + dx*xp[p] > next_xin):

    p -= 1
    next_xp = xo + dx*xp[p]

    # Choose the larger of next_xp and next_xin as the starting point of the
    # integral.  This will force us to step both xin and xp in the first
    # iteration of the loop, computing new slope/intercepts for both lines.
    # If the theory line extends beyond the resolution function, then we will
    # be called with xin[_in] before the first resolution point, and next_xp
    # will be bigger than next_xin.  If the resolution extends beyond the
    # end of the theory, then the next_xp will be set before next_xin, and
    # next_xin will be the start of the integral.  The integral ends when
    # either the resolution or the theory runs out.
    # We are tracking the area under the resolution as well as the area
    # under the product of theory and resolution so that we can properly
    # normalize the data when less than the full resolution is included.
    # This means that we do not need to provide a resolution function
    # normalized to a total area of 1 as our input.
    x = next_xp if next_xp > next_xin else next_xin
    # printf("  point xo:%g dx:%g x:%g, p:%ld, in:%ld, xp:%g, xin:%g\n",
    #       xo,dx,x,p,in,next_xp,next_xin);
    while True:
        # Step xin if we are at the next theory point
        if (next_xin <= x):
            _in += 1
            if (_in >= Nin):
                break  # At the right edge of the data
            next_xin = xin[_in]
            m1 = (yin[_in] - yin[_in-1]) / (xin[_in] - xin[_in-1])
            b1 = yin[_in] - m1*xin[_in]

        # Step xp if we are at the next resolution point
        if (next_xp <= x):
            p += 1
            if (p >= Np):
                break  # At the right edge of the resolution
            next_xp = xo + dx*xp[p]
            m2 = (yp[p] - yp[p-1]) / (xp[p] - xp[p-1]) / dx
            b2 = yp[p] - m2*next_xp

        # Find the next node
        next_x = next_xin if next_xin < next_xp else next_xp
        # Compute the convolution and norm between the current and next node
        delta = next_x - x
        delta2 = next_x*next_x - x*x
        delta3 = next_x*next_x*next_x - x*x*x
        norm += 0.5*m2*delta2 + b2*delta
        sum += m1*m2/3.0*delta3 + 0.5*(m1*b2+m2*b1)*delta2 + b1*b2*delta
        # printf("  delta:%g delta2:%g delta3:%g norm:%g sum:%g m1:%g b1:%g m2:%g b2:%g x:%g nx:%g ni:%g np:%g\n",
        #  delta, delta2, delta3, norm, sum, m1, b1, m2, b2, x, next_x, next_xin, next_xp);
        # Move to the next node
        x = next_x

    return sum/norm

[docs] @numba.njit(cache=True) def convolve_sampled(xin, yin, xp, yp, x, dx, y): Nin = len(xin) Np = len(xp) N = len(x) # /* FIXME fails if xin are not sorted # * slow if x not sorted */ if not Nin > 1: raise ValueError("Nin must be > 1") # /* Scan through all x values to be calculated */ # /* Re: omp, each thread is going through the entire input array, # * independently, computing the resolution from the neighbourhood # * around its individual output points. The firstprivate( in ) # * clause sets each thread to keep its own copy of in, initialized # * at in's initial value of zero. The "schedule(static,1)" clause # * puts neighbouring points in separate threads, which is a benefit # * since there will be less backtracking if resolution width increases # * from point to point. Because the schedule is static, this does not # * significantly increase the parallelization overhead. Because the # * threads are operating on interleaved points, there should be fewer cache # * misses than if each thread were given different stretches of x to # * convolve. # */ _in = 0 # ifdef _OPENMP # pragma omp parallel for firstprivate(in) schedule(static,1) # endif for _out in range(N): # /* width of resolution window for x is w = 2 dx ^ 2. */ limit = -dx[_out]*xp[0] xo = x[_out] # /* Line up the left edge of the convolution window */ # /* It is probably forward from the current position, */ # /* but if the next dx is a lot higher than the current */ # /* dx or if the x are not sorted, then it may be before */ # /* the current position. * / # /* FIXME verify that the convolution window is just right */ while (_in < Nin-1 and xin[_in] < xo-limit): _in += 1 while (_in > 0 and xin[_in] > xo-limit): _in -= 1 # /* Special handling to avoid 0/0 for w = 0. */ if (dx[_out] > 0.): # printf("convolve in:%ld out:%ld, xo:%g dx:%g\n",in,out,xo,dx[out]) y[_out] = convolve_point_sampled( Nin, xin, yin, Np, xp, yp, xo, dx[_out], _in) elif (_in < Nin-1): # /* Linear interpolation */ m = (yin[_in + 1] - yin[_in]) / (xin[_in + 1] - xin[_in]) b = yin[_in] - m*xin[_in] y[_out] = m*xo + b elif (_in > 0): # /* Linear extrapolation */ m = (yin[_in]-yin[_in - 1])/(xin[_in]-xin[_in - 1]) b = yin[_in] - m*xin[_in] y[_out] = m*xo + b else: # /* Can't happen because there is more than one point in xin. */ if not Nin > 1: raise ValueError("should be more than one point in Nin")