Source code for refl1d.lib_numba.rebin

import numba
import numba.experimental
import math

# Define a bin iterator to adapt to either forward or reversed inputs.
spec = [
    ('forward', numba.boolean),
    ('n', numba.int64),
    ('edges', numba.float64[:]),
    ('bin', numba.int64),
    ('lo', numba.float64),
    ('hi', numba.float64),
    ('atend', numba.boolean)

class BinIter:
    def __init__(self, n, edges):
        self.n = n
        self.edges = edges
        self.forward = edges[0] < edges[n]

        if (self.forward):
            self.bin = 0
            self.lo = edges[0]
            self.hi = edges[1]
            self.bin = n - 1
            self.lo = edges[n]
            self.hi = edges[n-1]

        self.atend = n < 1

    def increment(self):
        if self.atend:
            raise IndexError("moving beyond final bin")
        self.lo = self.hi
        if self.forward:
            self.bin += 1
            self.atend = (self.bin >= self.n)
            if (not self.atend):
                self.hi = self.edges[self.bin+1]
            self.atend = (self.bin == 0)
            if not self.atend:
                self.bin -= 1
                self.hi = self.edges[self.bin]
        return self

@numba.njit(parallel=False, cache=True)
def rebin_counts_portion(Nold, vold, Iold, Nnew, vnew, Inew, ND_portion):

    # Note: inspired by rebin from OpenGenie, but using counts per bin
    # rather than rates.

    # Does not work in place
    if (Iold is Inew):
        raise ValueError("does not work in place")

    # Traverse both sets of bin edges; if there is an overlap, add the portion
    # of the overlapping old bin to the new bin.
    _from = BinIter(Nold, vold)
    _to = BinIter(Nnew, vnew)
    while (not _from.atend and not _to.atend):
        # std::cout << "from " << from.bin << ": [" << from.lo << ", " << from.hi << "]\n";
        # std::cout << "to " << to.bin << ": [" << to.lo << ", " << to.hi << "]\n";
        if (_to.hi <= _from.lo):
            _to.increment()  # new must catch up to old
        elif (_from.hi <= _to.lo):
            _from.increment()  # old must catch up to new
            overlap = min(_from.hi, _to.hi) - max(_from.lo, _to.lo)
            portion = overlap/(_from.hi - _from.lo)
            Inew[_to.bin] += Iold[_from.bin]*portion*ND_portion
            if (_to.hi > _from.hi):

@numba.njit(parallel=False, cache=True)
def rebin_counts_old(Nold, xold, Iold, Nnew, xnew, Inew):

    # Note: inspired by rebin from OpenGenie, but using counts per bin
    # rather than rates.

    # Clear the new bins
    for i in range(Nnew):
        Inew[i] = 0

    rebin_counts_portion(Nold, xold, Iold, Nnew, xnew, Inew, 1.)

[docs] @numba.njit(parallel=False, cache=True) def rebin_counts(xold, Iold, xnew, Inew): # Note: inspired by rebin from OpenGenie, but using counts per bin # rather than rates. Nold = len(Iold) Nnew = len(Inew) # Clear the new bins for i in range(Nnew): Inew[i] = 0 rebin_counts_portion(Nold, xold, Iold, Nnew, xnew, Inew, 1.)
@numba.njit(parallel=False, cache=True) def rebin_intensity(Nold, xold, Iold, dIold, Nnew, xnew, Inew, dInew): # Note: inspired by rebin from OpenGenie, but using counts per bin rather than rates. # Clear the new bins for i in range(Nnew): dInew[i] = Inew[i] = 0 # Traverse both sets of bin edges; if there is an overlap, add the portion # of the overlapping old bin to the new bin. _from = BinIter(Nold, xold) _to = BinIter(Nnew, xnew) while (not _from.atend and not _to.atend): # std::cout << "from " << from.bin << ": [" << from.lo << ", " << from.hi << "]\n"; # std::cout << "to " << to.bin << ": [" << to.lo << ", " << to.hi << "]\n"; if (_to.hi <= _from.lo): _to.increment() # new must catch up to old elif (_from.hi <= _to.lo): _from.increment() # old must catch up to new else: overlap = min(_from.hi, _to.hi) - max(_from.lo, _to.lo) portion = overlap/(_from.hi - _from.lo) Inew[_to.bin] += (Iold[_from.bin])*portion # add in quadrature dInew[_to.bin] += (dIold[_from.bin]*portion)**2 if (_to.hi > _from.hi): _from.increment() else: _to.increment() # Convert variance to standard deviation. for i in range(Nnew): dInew[i] = math.sqrt(dInew[i])
[docs] @numba.njit(cache=True) def rebin_counts_2D(xold, yold, Iold, xnew, ynew, Inew): Nxold = len(xold) - 1 Nyold = len(yold) - 1 Nxnew = len(xnew) - 1 Nynew = len(ynew) - 1 # Clear the new bins for i in range(Nxnew): for j in range(Nynew): Inew[i][j] = 0 # Traverse both sets of bin edges; if there is an overlap, add the portion # of the overlapping old bin to the new bin. Scale this by the portion # of the overlap in y. _from = BinIter(Nxold, xold) _to = BinIter(Nxnew, xnew) while (not _from.atend and not _to.atend): if (_to.hi <= _from.lo): _to.increment() # new must catch up to old elif (_from.hi <= _to.lo): _from.increment() # old must catch up to new else: overlap = min(_from.hi, _to.hi) - max(_from.lo, _to.lo) portion = overlap / (_from.hi - _from.lo) rebin_counts_portion(Nyold, yold, Iold[_from.bin], Nynew, ynew, Inew[_to.bin], portion) if (_to.hi > _from.hi): _from.increment() else: _to.increment()