Source code for refl1d.model

# This program is in the public domain
# Author: Paul Kienzle
Reflectometry models

Reflectometry models consist of 1-D stacks of layers. Layers are joined
by gaussian interfaces. The layers themselves may be uniform, or the
scattering density may vary with depth in the layer.

.. Note::
   By importing model, the definition of :class:`material.Scatterer <refl1d.material.Scatterer>`
   changes so that materials can be stacked into layers using operator
   - the | operator, (previously known as "bitwise or") joins stacks
   - the * operator repeats stacks (n times, n is an int)

   This will affect all instances of the Scatterer class, and all of its subclasses.

#TODO: xray has smaller beam spot
# => smaller roughness
# => thickness depends on where the beam spot hits the sample
# Xray thickness variance = neutron roughness - xray roughness

__all__ = ['Repeat', 'Slab', 'Stack', 'Layer']

from copy import copy, deepcopy
import json

import numpy as np
from numpy import (inf, nan, pi, sin, cos, tan, sqrt, exp, log, log10,
                   degrees, radians, floor, ceil)
import periodictable
import periodictable.xsf as xsf
import periodictable.nsf as nsf

from bumps.parameter import (
    Parameter as Par, IntegerParameter as IntPar, Function, to_dict)

from . import material

[docs] class Layer(object): # Abstract base class """ Component of a material description. thickness (Parameter: angstrom) Thickness of the layer interface (Parameter: angstrom) Interface for the top of the layer. magnetism (Magnetism info) Magnetic profile anchored to the layer. """ thickness = None interface = None name = None # Make magnetism a property so we can update the magnetism parameter # names with the layer name when we assign magnetism to the layer _magnetism = None @property def magnetism(self): return self._magnetism @magnetism.setter def magnetism(self, magnetism): self._magnetism = magnetism if magnetism: magnetism.set_layer_name(str(self)) @property def ismagnetic(self): return self._magnetism is not None
[docs] def constraints(self): """ Constraints """ return self.thickness >= 0, self.interface >= 0
[docs] def find(self, z): """ Find the layer at depth z. Returns layer, start, end """ return self, 0, self.thickness.value
[docs] def parameters(self): """ Returns a dictionary of parameters specific to the layer. These will be added to the dictionary containing interface, thickness and magnetism parameters. """
[docs] def layer_parameters(self): pars = {'thickness': self.thickness} if self.interface: pars['interface'] = self.interface if self.magnetism: pars['magnetism'] = self.magnetism.parameters() pars.update(self.parameters()) return pars
[docs] def render(self, probe, slabs): """ Use the probe to render the layer into a microslab representation. """
[docs] def penalty(self): """ Return a penalty value associated with the layer. This should be zero if the parameters are valid, and increasing as the parameters become more invalid. For example, if total volume fraction exceeds unity, then the penalty would be the amount by which it exceeds unity, or if z values must be sorted, then penalty would be the amount by which they are unsorted. Note that penalties are handled separately from any probability of seeing a combination of layer parameters; the final solution to the problem should not include any penalized points. """ return 0
def __str__(self): """ Print shows the layer name """ return getattr(self, 'name', repr(self))
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Return a dictionary representation of the Slab object """ raise NotImplementedError("to_dict not defined for "+str(self))
#return to_dict({ # 'type': type(self).__name__, # 'name':, # 'thickness': self.thickness, # 'interface': self.interface, # 'magnetism': self.magnetism, #}) # Define a little algebra for composing samples # Layers can be stacked, repeated, or have length/roughness/magnetism set def __or__(self, other): """Join two layers to make a stack""" stack = Stack() stack.add(self) stack.add(other) return stack def __mul__(self, other): """Repeat a stack or complex layer""" if not isinstance(other, int) or not other > 1: raise TypeError("Repeat count must be an integer > 1") if isinstance(self, Slab): raise TypeError("Cannot repeat single slab""") stack = Stack() stack.add(self) r = Repeat(stack=stack, repeat=other) return r def __rmul__(self, other): return self.__mul__(other) def __call__(self, thickness=None, interface=None, magnetism=None): c = copy(self) # Only set values if they are not None so that defaults # carry over from the copied layer if thickness is not None: c.thickness = Par.default(thickness, limits=(0, inf)," thickness") if interface is not None: c.interface = Par.default(interface, limits=(0, inf)," interface") if magnetism is not None: c.magnetism = magnetism return c
def _parinit(p, v): """ If v is a parameter use v, otherwise use p but with value v. """ if isinstance(v, Par): p = v else: p.set(v) return p def _parcopy(p, v): """ If v is a parameter use v, otherwise use a copy of p but with value v. """ if isinstance(v, Par): p = v else: p = copy(p) p.set(v) return p
[docs] class Stack(Layer): """ Reflectometry layer stack A reflectometry sample is defined by a stack of layers. Each layer has an interface describing how the top of the layer interacts with the bottom of the overlaying layer. The stack may contain """ def __init__(self, base=None, name="Stack"): = name self.interface = None self._layers = [] if base is not None: self.add(base) # TODO: can we make this a class variable? self._thickness = Function(self._calc_thickness, name="stack thickness") @property def ismagnetic(self): return any(p.ismagnetic for p in self._layers)
[docs] def find(self, z): """ Find the layer at depth z. Returns layer, start, end """ offset = 0 for L in self._layers: dz = L.thickness.value if z < offset + dz: break offset += dz else: L = self._layers[-1] offset -= dz L, start, end = L.find(z-offset) return L, start+offset, end+offset
[docs] def add(self, other): if isinstance(other, Stack): self._layers.extend(other._layers) elif isinstance(other, Repeat): self._layers.append(other) else: try: L = iter(other) except TypeError: L = [other] self._layers.extend(_check_layer(el) for el in L)
def __getstate__(self): return self.interface, self._layers, def __setstate__(self, state): self.interface, self._layers, = state self._thickness = Function(self._calc_thickness, name="stack thickness") def __copy__(self): stack = Stack() stack.interface = self.interface stack._layers = self._layers[:] return stack def __len__(self): return len(self._layers) def __str__(self): return " | ".join("%s(%.3g)"%(L, L.thickness.value) for L in self._layers) def __repr__(self): return "Stack("+", ".join(repr(L) for L in self._layers)+")"
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Return a dictionary representation of the Stack object """ return to_dict({ 'type': type(self).__name__, 'name':, 'interface': self.interface, 'layers': self._layers, })
[docs] def parameters(self): layers = [L.layer_parameters() for L in self._layers] return {'thickness':self.thickness, 'layers':layers}
[docs] def penalty(self): return sum(L.penalty() for L in self._layers)
# This is the function which defines the functional parameter that # is attached to _thickness. Thickness is a property on which defines # _thickness as a read-only parameter. def _calc_thickness(self): """returns the total thickness of the stack""" t = 0 for L in self._layers: t += L.thickness.value return t @property def thickness(self): return self._thickness
[docs] def render(self, probe, slabs): """ Render the stack into slabs. """ if any(layer.magnetism is not None for layer in self._layers): return self._render_magnetic(probe, slabs) else: return self._render_nonmagnetic(probe, slabs)
def _render_nonmagnetic(self, probe, slabs): """ Render and sld stack in which no layers are magnetic. """ for layer in self._layers: layer.render(probe, slabs) def _render_magnetic(self, probe, slabs): """ Render and sld stack in which some layers are magnetic. If the magnetism interface above or below is left unspecified, the corresponding nuclear interface is used. """ magnetism = None end_layer = -1 for i, layer in enumerate(self._layers): # Trigger start of a magnetic layer if layer.magnetism: if magnetism: raise IndexError("magnetic layer %s overlap"%magnetism) magnetism = layer.magnetism #import sys; print >>sys.stderr, "magnetism", magnetism anchor = slabs.thickness() + magnetism.dead_below.value s_below = (nan if i == 0 else magnetism.interface_below.value if magnetism.interface_below else slabs.surface_sigma) end_layer = i + magnetism.extent - 1 # Render nuclear layer layer.render(probe, slabs) # Wait for end of magnetic layer if i == end_layer: s_above = (magnetism.interface_above.value if magnetism.interface_above else slabs.surface_sigma) w = (slabs.thickness() - magnetism.dead_above.value) - anchor magnetism.render(probe, slabs, thickness=w, anchor=anchor, sigma=(s_below, s_above)) magnetism = None if magnetism: raise IndexError("magnetic layer %s is incomplete"%magnetism) def _plot(self, dz=1, roughness_limit=0): # TODO: unused? import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from . import profile, material, probe neutron_probe = probe.NeutronProbe(T=np.arange(0, 5, 100), L=5.) xray_probe = probe.XrayProbe(T=np.arange(0, 5, 100), L=1.54) slabs = profile.Microslabs(1, dz=dz) plt.subplot(211) cache = material.ProbeCache(xray_probe) slabs.clear() self.render(cache, slabs) z, rho, irho = slabs.step_profile() plt.plot(z, rho, '-g', z, irho, '-b') z, rho, irho = slabs.smooth_profile(dz=1, roughness_limit=roughness_limit) plt.plot(z, rho, ':g', z, irho, ':b') plt.legend(['rho', 'irho']) plt.xlabel('depth (A)') plt.ylabel('SLD (10^6 inv A**2)') plt.text(0.05, 0.95, r"Cu-$K_\alpha$ X-ray", va="top", ha="left", transform=plt.gca().transAxes) plt.subplot(212) cache = material.ProbeCache(neutron_probe) slabs.clear() self.render(cache, slabs) z, rho, irho = slabs.step_profile() plt.plot(z, rho, '-g', z, irho, '-b') z, rho, irho = slabs.smooth_profile(dz=1, roughness_limit=roughness_limit) plt.plot(z, rho, ':g', z, irho, ':b') plt.legend(['rho', 'irho']) plt.xlabel('depth (A)') plt.ylabel('SLD (10^6 inv A**2)') plt.text(0.05, 0.95, "5 A neutron", va="top", ha="left", transform=plt.gca().transAxes) # Stacks as lists def _find_by_material(self, target): """ Iterate over all layers that have the given material. """ for i, layer in enumerate(self._layers): if hasattr(layer, 'stack'): for sub in layer.stack._find_by_material(target): yield sub elif hasattr(layer, 'material'): if id(layer.material) == id(target): yield self, i def _find_by_name(self, target): """ Iterate over all layers that have the given name. """ for i, layer in enumerate(self._layers): if hasattr(layer, 'stack'): for sub in layer.stack._find_by_name(target): yield sub else: if str(layer) == target: yield self, i def _lookup(self, idx): """ Lookup a layer by integer index, name, material or (material, repeat) if not the first occurrence of the material in the sample. Search is depth first. Returns the stack or substack that contains the material, and the index in that stack. """ if isinstance(idx, int): return self, idx if isinstance(idx, slice): start = (self, 0) if idx.start is None else self._lookup(idx.start) stop = (self, len(self)) if idx.stop is None else self._lookup(idx.stop) if start[0] != stop[0]: raise IndexError("start and and stop of sample slice must be in the same stack") return start[0], slice(start[1], stop[1], idx.step) # Check for lookup of the nth occurrence of a given layer if isinstance(idx, tuple): target, count = idx else: target, count = idx, 1 # Check if lookup by material or by name if isinstance(target, material.Scatterer): sequence = self._find_by_material(target) elif isinstance(target, str): sequence = self._find_by_name(target) else: raise TypeError("expected integer, material or layer name as sample index") # Move to the nth item in the sequence i = -1 for i, el in enumerate(sequence): if i+1 == count: return el if i == -1: raise IndexError("layer %s not found"%str(target)) else: raise IndexError("only found %d layers of %s"%(str(target), i+1)) def __getitem__(self, idx): #import sys;print >>sys.stderr, "lookup idx", idx stack, idx = self._lookup(idx) #print >>sys.stderr, "found", idx if isinstance(idx, slice): newstack = Stack() newstack._layers = stack._layers[idx] return newstack else: return stack._layers[idx] def __setitem__(self, idx, other): stack, idx = self._lookup(idx) if isinstance(idx, slice): if isinstance(other, Stack): stack._layers[idx] = other._layers else: stack._layers[idx] = [_check_layer(el) for el in other] else: stack._layers[idx] = _check_layer(other) def __delitem__(self, idx): stack, idx = self._lookup(idx) # works the same for slices and individual indices del stack._layers[idx]
[docs] def insert(self, idx, other): """ Insert structure into a stack. If the inserted element is another stack, the stack will be expanded to accommodate. You cannot make nested stacks. """ stack, idx = self._lookup(idx) if isinstance(other, Stack): for i, L in enumerate(other._layers): stack._layers.insert(idx+i, L) elif isinstance(other, Repeat): stack._layers.insert(idx, other) else: try: other = iter(other) except Exception: other = [other] for i, L in enumerate(other): stack._layers.insert(idx+i, _check_layer(L))
# Define a little algebra for composing samples # Stacks can be repeated or extended def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Par): pass elif isinstance(other, int) and other > 1: pass else: raise TypeError("Repeat count must be an integer > 1") s = Repeat(stack=self, repeat=other) return s def __rmul__(self, other): return self.__mul__(other) def __or__(self, other): stack = Stack() stack.add(self) stack.add(other) return stack render.__doc__ = Layer.render.__doc__
def _check_layer(el): if isinstance(el, Layer): return el elif isinstance(el, material.Scatterer): return Slab(el) else: raise TypeError("Can only stack materials and layers, not %s"%el)
[docs] class Repeat(Layer): """ Repeat a layer or stack. If an interface parameter is provide, the roughness between the multilayers may be different from the roughness between the repeated stack and the following layer. Note: Repeat is not a type of Stack, but it does have a stack inside. """ def __init__(self, stack, repeat=1, interface=None, name=None, magnetism=None): if name is None: name = "multilayer" if interface is None: interface = stack[-1].interface.value self.magnetism = magnetism = name self.repeat = IntPar(repeat, limits=(0, inf), name=name + " repeats") self.stack = stack self.interface = Par.default(interface, limits=(0, inf), name=name+" top interface") # Thickness is computed; don't make it a simple attribute self._thickness = Function(self._calc_thickness, name="repeat thickness")
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Return a dictionary representation of the Repeat object """ return to_dict({ 'type': type(self).__name__, 'name':, 'interface': self.interface, 'magnetism': self.magnetism, 'repeat': self.repeat, 'stack': self.stack, })
def __getstate__(self): return self.interface, self.repeat,, self.stack def __setstate__(self, state): self.interface, self.repeat,, self.stack = state self._thickness = Function(self._calc_thickness, name="repeat thickness")
[docs] def penalty(self): return self.stack.penalty()
@property def ismagnetic(self): return self.magnetism is not None or self.stack.ismagnetic
[docs] def find(self, z): """ Find the layer at depth z. Returns layer, start, end """ n = self.repeat.value unit = self.thickness.value if z < n*unit: offset = int(z/unit)*unit L, start, end = self.stack.find(z-offset) return L, start+offset, end+offset else: offset = n*unit L, start, end = self.stack.find(unit) return L, start+offset, end+offset
# Stacks as lists def __getitem__(self, idx): return self.stack[idx] def __setitem__(self, idx, other): self.stack[idx] = other def __delitem__(self, idx): del self.stack[idx]
[docs] def parameters(self): pars = { 'stack': self.stack.parameters(), 'repeat': self.repeat, 'thickness': self._thickness, 'interface': self.interface, } if self.magnetism: pars['magnetism'] = self.magnetism.parameters() return pars
# Mark thickness as read only @property def thickness(self): return self._thickness def _calc_thickness(self): return self.stack.thickness.value*self.repeat.value
[docs] def render(self, probe, slabs): nr = self.repeat.value if nr <= 0: return mark = len(slabs) self.stack.render(probe, slabs) slabs.repeat(mark, nr, interface=self.interface.value)
def __str__(self): return "(%s)x%d"%(str(self.stack), self.repeat.value) def __repr__(self): return "Repeat(%s, %d)"%(repr(self.stack), self.repeat.value)
# Extend the material.Scatterer class so that any scatter can be # implicitly turned into a slab. def _material_stacker(): """ Allow materials to be used in the stack algebra. Material can be called with thickness, interface, magnetism and turned into a slab. So instead of:: sample = Slab(Si, 0, 5) | Slab(Ni, 100, 5) | Slab(air) models can use:: sample = Si(0, 5) | Ni(100, 5) | air WARNING: this adds __or__ and __call__ methods to the material.Scatterer base class. This is a nasty thing to do since those who have to debug the Scatterer later will not know where to look for these class attributes. On the flip side, changing the base class definition saves us from the nastier problem of having to create a sister hierarchy of stackable scatterers mirroring the scatterers hierarchy, or the nasty problem of a circular definition that Slab depends on Scatterer and Scatterer depends on Slab. """ # Note: should have been add these as a Mixin class, but couldn't # get it to work on python 3.3 def __or__(self, other): # need __or__ for stacks which start with a bare material, such # as Si | air stack = Stack() # Note: stack.add() converts materials to slabs stack.add(self) stack.add(other) return stack def __call__(self, thickness=0, interface=0, magnetism=None): slab = Slab(material=self, thickness=thickness, interface=interface, magnetism=magnetism) return slab material.Scatterer.__or__ = __or__ material.Scatterer.__call__ = __call__ _material_stacker()
[docs] class Slab(Layer): """ A block of material. """ def __init__(self, material=None, thickness=0, interface=0, name=None, magnetism=None): if name is None: name = = name self.material = material self.thickness = Par.default(thickness, limits=(0, inf), name=name+" thickness") self.interface = Par.default(interface, limits=(0, inf), name=name+" interface") self.magnetism = magnetism
[docs] def parameters(self): return {'material': self.material.parameters()}
[docs] def render(self, probe, slabs): rho, irho = self.material.sld(probe) w = self.thickness.value sigma = self.interface.value #print "rho", rho #print "irho", irho #print "w", w #print "sigma", sigma slabs.append(rho=rho, irho=irho, w=w, sigma=sigma)
def __str__(self): return #return str(self.material) def __repr__(self): return "Slab("+repr(self.material)+")"
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Return a dictionary representation of the Slab object """ return to_dict({ 'type': type(self).__name__, 'name':, 'thickness': self.thickness, 'interface': self.interface, 'material': self.material, 'magnetism': self.magnetism, })