Source code for refl1d.mono

Monotonic spline modeling for free interfaces
from __future__ import division, with_statement

import numpy as np
from numpy import (diff, hstack, sqrt, searchsorted, asarray, cumsum,
                   inf, nonzero, linspace, sort, isnan, clip)
from bumps.parameter import Parameter as Par, Function as ParFunction, to_dict
from bumps.mono import monospline, count_inflections

from . import util
from .model import Layer

#TODO: add left_sld, right_sld to all layers so that fresnel works
#TODO: access left_sld, right_sld so freeform doesn't need left, right
#TODO: restructure to use vector parameters
#TODO: allow the number of layers to be adjusted by the fit
[docs] class FreeLayer(Layer): """ A freeform section of the sample modeled with splines. sld (rho) and imaginary sld (irho) can be modeled with a separate number of control points. The control points can be equally spaced in the layers unless rhoz or irhoz are specified. If the z values are given, they must be in the range [0, 1]. One control point is anchored at either end, so there are two fewer z values than controls if z values are given. Layers have a slope of zero at the ends, so the automatically blend with slabs. """ def __init__(self, below=None, above=None, thickness=0, z=(), rho=(), irho=(), name="Freeform"): = name self.below, self.above = below, above self.thickness = Par.default( thickness, name=name+" thickness", limits=(0, inf)) self.interface = Par.default( 0, name=name+" interface", limits=(0, inf)) self.interface.fittable = False def parvec(vector, name, limits): return [Par.default(p, name=name+"[%d]"%i, limits=limits) for i, p in enumerate(vector)] self.rho, self.irho, self.z \ = [parvec(v, name+" "+part, limits) for v, part, limits in zip((rho, irho, z), ('rho', 'irho', 'z'), ((-inf, inf), (0, inf), (0, 1))) ] if len(self.z) != len(self.rho): raise ValueError("must have one z for each rho value") if len(self.irho) > 0 and len(self.z) != len(self.irho): raise ValueError("must have one z for each irho value")
[docs] def parameters(self): return { 'thickness': self.thickness, 'rho': self.rho, 'irho': self.irho, 'z': self.z, 'below': self.below.parameters(), 'above': self.above.parameters(), }
[docs] def to_dict(self): return to_dict({ 'type': type(self).__name__, 'name':, 'parameters': self.parameters(), })
[docs] def profile(self, Pz, below, above): thickness = self.thickness.value rbelow, ibelow = below rabove, iabove = above z = sort([0]+[p.value for p in self.z]+[1])*thickness rho = hstack((rbelow, [p.value for p in self.rho], rabove)) Prho = monospline(z, rho, Pz) if len(self.irho) > 0: irho = hstack((ibelow, [p.value for p in self.irho], iabove)) Pirho = monospline(z, irho, Pz) else: Pirho = 0*Prho return Prho, Pirho
[docs] def penalty(self): dz = diff([p.value for p in self.z]) return np.sum(dz[dz < 0]**2)
[docs] def render(self, probe, slabs): below = self.below.sld(probe) above = self.above.sld(probe) Pw, Pz = slabs.microslabs(self.thickness.value) Prho, Pirho = self.profile(Pz, below, above) slabs.extend(rho=[Prho], irho=[Pirho], w=Pw)
[docs] def inflections(dx, dy): x = hstack((0, cumsum(dx))) y = hstack((0, cumsum(dy))) return count_inflections(x, y)
[docs] class FreeInterface(Layer): """ A freeform section of the sample modeled with monotonic splines. Layers have a slope of zero at the ends, so the automatically blend with slabs. """ def __init__(self, thickness=0, interface=0, below=None, above=None, dz=None, dp=None, name="Interface"): = name self.below, self.above = below, above self.thickness = Par.default( thickness, limits=(0, inf), name=name+" thickness") self.interface = Par.default( interface, limits=(0, inf), name=name+" interface") # Choose reasonable defaults if not given if dp is None and dz is None: dp = [1]*5 if dp is None: dp = [1]*len(dz) if dz is None: dz = [1]*len(dp) if len(dz) != len(dp): raise ValueError("Need one dz for every dp") #if len(z) != len(vf)+2: # raise ValueError("Only need vf for interior z, so len(z)=len(vf)+2") = [Par.default(p, name=name+" dz[%d]"%i, limits=(0, inf)) for i, p in enumerate(dz)] self.dp = [Par.default(p, name=name+" dp[%d]"%i, limits=(0, inf)) for i, p in enumerate(dp)] self.inflections = ParFunction( inflections,, dy=self.dp, name=name+" inflections")
[docs] def parameters(self): return { 'thickness': self.thickness, 'interface': self.interface, 'dz':, 'dp': self.dp, 'below': self.below.parameters(), 'above': self.above.parameters(), 'inflections': self.inflections, }
[docs] def to_dict(self): pars = self.parameters() pars.pop('inflections') # derived parameter not needed for save return to_dict({ 'type': type(self).__name__, 'name':, 'parameters': pars, })
[docs] def profile(self, Pz): thickness = self.thickness.value z, p = [hstack((0, cumsum(asarray([v.value for v in vector], 'd')))) for vector in (, self.dp)] if p[-1] == 0: p[-1] = 1 p *= 1/p[-1] z *= thickness/z[-1] profile = clip(monospline(z, p, Pz), 0, 1) return profile
[docs] def render(self, probe, slabs): thickness = self.thickness.value interface = self.interface.value below_rho, below_irho = self.below.sld(probe) above_rho, above_irho = self.above.sld(probe) # Pz is the center, Pw is the width Pw, Pz = slabs.microslabs(thickness) profile = self.profile(Pz) Pw, profile = util.merge_ends(Pw, profile, tol=1e-3) Prho = (1-profile)*below_rho + profile*above_rho Pirho = (1-profile)*below_irho + profile*above_irho slabs.extend(rho=[Prho], irho=[Pirho], w=Pw)
# CRUFT: still working on best rep'n for control point locations class _FreeInterfaceW(Layer): """ A freeform section of the sample modeled with monotonic splines. Layers have a slope of zero at the ends, so the automatically blend with slabs. """ def __init__(self, interface=0, below=None, above=None, dz=None, dp=None, name="Interface"): = name self.below, self.above = below, above self.interface = Par.default(interface, limits=(0, inf), name=name+" interface") # Choose reasonable defaults if not given if dp is None and dz is None: dp = [1]*5 if dp is None: dp = [1]*len(dz) if dz is None: dz = [10./len(dp)]*len(dp) if len(dz) != len(dp): raise ValueError("Need one dz for every dp") #if len(z) != len(vf)+2: # raise ValueError("Only need vf for interior z, so len(z)=len(vf)+2") = [Par.default(p, name=name+" dz[%d]"%i, limits=(0, inf)) for i, p in enumerate(dz)] self.dp = [Par.default(p, name=name+" dp[%d]"%i, limits=(0, inf)) for i, p in enumerate(dp)] def _get_thickness(self): w = sum(v.value for v in return Par(w," thickness") def _set_thickness(self, v): if v != 0: raise ValueError("thickness cannot be set for FreeformInterface") thickness = property(_get_thickness, _set_thickness) def parameters(self): return { 'interface': self.interface, 'dz':, 'dp': self.dp, 'below': self.below.parameters(), 'above': self.above.parameters(), } def to_dict(self): pars = self.parameters() pars.pop('inflections') # derived parameter not needed for save return to_dict({ 'type': type(self).__name__, 'name':, 'parameters': pars, }) def render(self, probe, slabs): interface = self.interface.value below_rho, below_irho = self.below.sld(probe) above_rho, above_irho = self.above.sld(probe) z = hstack((0, cumsum([v.value for v in]))) p = hstack((0, cumsum([v.value for v in self.dp]))) thickness = z[-1] if p[-1] == 0: p[-1] = 1 p /= p[-1] Pw, Pz = slabs.microslabs(z[-1]) profile = monospline(z, p, Pz) Pw, profile = util.merge_ends(Pw, profile, tol=1e-3) Prho = (1-profile)*below_rho + profile*above_rho Pirho = (1-profile)*below_irho + profile*above_irho slabs.extend(rho=[Prho], irho=[Pirho], w=Pw)