Source code for refl1d.polymer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This program is public domain
# Authors Paul Kienzle, Richard Sheridan
Layer models for polymer systems.

Analytic Self-consistent Field (SCF) Brush profile\ [#Zhulina]_\ [#Karim]_

Analytical Self-consistent Field (SCF) Mushroom Profile\ [#Adamuti-Trache]_

Numerical Self-consistent Field (SCF) End-Tethered Polymer
Profile\ [#Cosgrove]_\ [#deVos]_\ [#Sheridan]_

.. [#Zhulina] Zhulina, EB; Borisov, OV; Pryamitsyn, VA; Birshtein, TM (1991)
    "Coil-Globule Type Transitions in Polymers. 1. Collapse of Layers
    of Grafted Polymer Chains", Macromolecules 24, 140-149.

.. [#Karim] Karim, A; Douglas, JF; Horkay, F; Fetters, LJ; Satija, SK (1996)
    "Comparative swelling of gels and polymer brush layers",
    Physica B 221, 331-336. doi:10.1016/0921-4526(95)00946-9

.. [#Adamuti-Trache] Adamuţi-Trache, M., McMullen, W. E. & Douglas, J. F.
    Segmental concentration profiles of end-tethered polymers with
    excluded-volume and surface interactions. J. Chem. Phys. 105, 4798 (1996).

.. [#Cosgrove] Cosgrove, T., Heath, T., Van Lent, B., Leermakers, F. A. M.,
    & Scheutjens, J. M. H. M. (1987). Configuration of terminally attached
    chains at the solid/solvent interface: self-consistent field theory and
    a Monte Carlo model. Macromolecules, 20(7), 1692–1696.

.. [#deVos] De Vos, W. M., & Leermakers, F. A. M. (2009). Modeling the
    structure of a polydisperse polymer brush. Polymer, 50(1), 305–316.

.. [#Sheridan] Sheridan, R. J., Orski, S. V., Jones, R. L., Satija, S.,
    & Beers, K. L. (2017). Surface interaction parameter measurement of
    solvated polymers via model end-tethered chains. [Submitted]

..  [#Vincent] Vincent, B., Edwards, J., Emmett, S., & Croot, R. (1988).
    Phase separation in dispersions of weakly-interacting particles in
    solutions of non-adsorbing polymer. Colloids and Surfaces, 31, 267–298.


from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals

__all__ = ["PolymerBrush", "PolymerMushroom", "EndTetheredPolymer",
           "VolumeProfile", "layer_thickness"]

import inspect
from time import time
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np
from numpy import real, imag, exp, log, sqrt, pi, hstack, ones_like
from numpy.core.multiarray import correlate as old_correlate
from bumps.parameter import Parameter, to_dict

from . import util
from .model import Layer

LAMBDA_1 = 1.0/6.0 #always assume cubic lattice (1/6) for now
LAMBDA_0 = 1.0 - 2.0*LAMBDA_1
# Use reverse order for LAMBDA_ARRAY if it is asymmetric since we are using
# it with correlate().
SQRT_PI = sqrt(pi)

[docs] class PolymerBrush(Layer): r""" Polymer brushes in a solvent :Parameters: *thickness* the thickness of the solvent layer *interface* the roughness of the solvent surface *polymer* the polymer material *solvent* the solvent material or vacuum *base_vf* volume fraction (%) of the polymer brush at the interface *base* the thickness of the brush interface (A) *length* the length of the brush above the interface (A) *power* the rate of brush thinning *sigma* rms brush roughness (A) The materials can either use the scattering length density directly, such as PDMS = SLD(0.063, 0.00006) or they can use chemical composition and material density such as PDMS=Material("C2H6OSi", density=0.965). These parameters combine in the following profile formula: .. math:: V(z) &= \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} V_o & \mbox{if } z <= z_o \\ V_o (1 - ((z-z_o)/L)^2)^p & \mbox{if } z_o < z < z_o + L \\ 0 & \mbox{if } z >= z_o + L \end{array} \right. \\ V_\sigma(z) &= V(z) \star \frac{e^{-\frac{1}{2}(z/\sigma)^2}}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}} \\ \rho(z) &= \rho_p V_\sigma(z) + \rho_s (1-V_\sigma(z)) where $V_\sigma(z)$ is volume fraction convoluted with brush roughness $\sigma$ and $\rho(z)$ is the complex scattering length density of the profile. """ def __init__(self, thickness=0, interface=0, name="brush", polymer=None, solvent=None, base_vf=None, base=None, length=None, power=None, sigma=None): prefix = name + " " self.thickness = Parameter.default(thickness, name=prefix+"thickness") self.interface = Parameter.default(interface, name=prefix+"interface") self.base_vf = Parameter.default(base_vf, name=prefix+"base_vf") self.base = Parameter.default(base, name=prefix+"base") self.length = Parameter.default(length, name=prefix+"length") self.power = Parameter.default(power, name=prefix+"power") self.sigma = Parameter.default(sigma, name=prefix+"sigma") self.solvent = solvent self.polymer = polymer = name # Constraints: # base_vf in [0, 1] # base, length, sigma, thickness, interface > 0 # base + length + 3*sigma <= thickness
[docs] def parameters(self): return { 'solvent': self.solvent.parameters(), 'polymer': self.polymer.parameters(), 'base_vf': self.base_vf, 'base': self.base, 'length': self.length, 'power': self.power, 'sigma': self.sigma, }
[docs] def to_dict(self): return to_dict({ 'type': type(self).__name__, 'name':, 'base_vf': self.base_vf, 'base': self.base, 'length': self.length, 'power': self.power, 'sigma': self.sigma, 'solvent': self.solvent, 'polymer': self.polymer, })
[docs] def profile(self, z): base_vf, base, length, power, sigma = [ p.value for p in (self.base_vf, self.base, self.length, self.power, self.sigma)] base_vf /= 100. # % to fraction L0 = base # if base < thickness else thickness L1 = base+length # if base+length < thickness else thickness-L0 if length == 0: v = np.ones_like(z) else: v = (1 - ((z-L0)/(L1-L0))**2) v[z < L0] = 1 v[z > L1] = 0 brush_profile = base_vf * v**power # TODO: we could use Nevot-Croce rather than smearing the profile vf = smear(z, brush_profile, sigma) return vf
[docs] def render(self, probe, slabs): thickness = self.thickness.value Pw, Pz = slabs.microslabs(thickness) # Skip layer if it falls to zero thickness. This may lead to # problems in the fitter, since R(thickness) is non-differentiable # at thickness = 0. "Clip to boundary" range handling will at # least allow this point to be found. # TODO: consider using this behaviour on all layer types. if len(Pw) == 0: return Mr, Mi = self.polymer.sld(probe) Sr, Si = self.solvent.sld(probe) M = Mr + 1j*Mi S = Sr + 1j*Si try: M, S = M[0], S[0] # Temporary hack except Exception: pass vf = self.profile(Pz) Pw, vf = util.merge_ends(Pw, vf, tol=1e-3) P = M*vf + S*(1-vf) Pr, Pi = real(P), imag(P) slabs.extend(rho=[Pr], irho=[Pi], w=Pw)
[docs] def layer_thickness(z): """ Return the thickness of a layer given the microslab z points. The z points are at the centers of the bins. we can use the recurrence that boundary b[k] = z[k-1] + (z[k-1] - b[k-1]) to compute the total length of the layer. """ return 2 * (np.sum(z[-1::-2]) - np.sum(z[-2::-2]))
[docs] class VolumeProfile(Layer): """ Generic volume profile function :Parameters: *thickness* the thickness of the solvent layer *interface* the roughness of the solvent surface *material* the polymer material *solvent* the solvent material *profile* the profile function, suitably parameterized The materials can either use the scattering length density directly, such as PDMS = SLD(0.063, 0.00006) or they can use chemical composition and material density such as PDMS=Material("C2H6OSi", density=0.965). These parameters combine in the following profile formula:: sld = material.sld * profile + solvent.sld * (1 - profile) The profile function takes a depth z and returns a density rho. For volume profiles, the returned rho should be the volume fraction of the material. For SLD profiles, rho should be complex scattering length density of the material. Fitting parameters are the available named arguments to the function. The first argument must be *z*, which is the array of depths at which the profile is to be evaluated. It is guaranteed to be increasing, with step size 2*z[0]. Initial values for the function parameters can be given using name=value. These values can be scalars or fitting parameters. The function will be called with the current parameter values as arguments. The layer thickness can be computed as :func: `layer_thickness`. """ # TODO: test that thickness(z) matches the thickness of the layer def __init__(self, thickness=0, interface=0, name="VolumeProfile", material=None, solvent=None, profile=None, **kw): if interface != 0: raise NotImplementedError("interface not yet supported") if profile is None or material is None or solvent is None: raise TypeError("Need polymer, solvent and profile") = name self.thickness = Parameter.default(thickness, name="solvent thickness") self.interface = Parameter.default(interface, name="solvent interface") self.profile = profile self.solvent = solvent self.material = material # Query profile function for the list of arguments vars = inspect.getargspec(profile)[0] #print("vars", vars) if inspect.ismethod(profile): vars = vars[1:] # Chop self vars = vars[1:] # Chop z #print(vars) unused = [k for k in kw.keys() if k not in vars] if len(unused) > 0: raise TypeError("Profile got unexpected keyword argument '%s'"%unused[0]) dups = [k for k in vars if k in ('thickness', 'interface', 'polymer', 'solvent', 'profile')] if len(dups) > 0: raise TypeError("Profile has conflicting argument '%s'"%dups[0]) for k in vars: kw.setdefault(k, 0) for k, v in kw.items(): setattr(self, k, Parameter.default(v, name=k)) self._parameters = vars
[docs] def parameters(self): P = { 'solvent': self.solvent.parameters(), 'material': self.material.parameters(), } for k in self._parameters: P[k] = getattr(self, k) return P
[docs] def to_dict(self): return to_dict({ 'type': type(self).__name__, 'name':, 'profile': self.profile, 'thickness': self.thickness, 'interface': self.interface, 'parameters': {k: getattr(self, k) for k in self._parameters}, 'solvent': self.solvent, 'material': self.material, })
[docs] def render(self, probe, slabs): Mr, Mi = self.material.sld(probe) Sr, Si = self.solvent.sld(probe) M = Mr + 1j*Mi S = Sr + 1j*Si #M, S = M[0], S[0] # Temporary hack Pw, Pz = slabs.microslabs(self.thickness.value) if len(Pw) == 0: return kw = dict((k, getattr(self, k).value) for k in self._parameters) #print(kw) phi = self.profile(Pz, **kw) try: if phi.shape != Pz.shape: raise Exception except Exception: raise TypeError("profile function '%s' did not return array phi(z)" %self.profile.__name__) Pw, phi = util.merge_ends(Pw, phi, tol=1e-3) P = M*phi + S*(1-phi) slabs.extend(rho=[real(P)], irho=[imag(P)], w=Pw)
#slabs.interface(self.interface.value) def smear(z, P, sigma): """ Gaussian smearing :Parameters: *z* | vector equally spaced sample times *P* | vector sample values *sigma* | real root-mean-squared convolution width :Returns: *Ps* | vector smeared sample values """ if len(z) < 3: return P dz = z[1]-z[0] if 3*sigma < dz: return P w = int(3*sigma/dz) G = exp(-0.5*(np.arange(-w, w+1)*(dz/sigma))**2) full = np.hstack(([P[0]]*w, P, [P[-1]]*w)) return np.convolve(full, G/np.sum(G), 'valid')
[docs] class PolymerMushroom(Layer): r""" Polymer mushrooms in a solvent (volume profile) :Parameters: *delta* | real scalar interaction parameter *vf* | real scalar not quite volume fraction (dimensionless grafting density) *sigma* | real scalar convolution roughness (A) Using analytical SCF methods for gaussian chains, which are scaled by the radius of gyration of the equivalent free polymer as an approximation to results of renormalization group methods.\ [#Adamuti-Trache]_ Solutions are only strictly valid for vf << 1. """ def __init__(self, thickness=0, interface=0, name="Mushroom", polymer=None, solvent=None, sigma=0, vf=0, delta=0): self.thickness = Parameter.default(thickness, name="Mushroom thickness") self.interface = Parameter.default(interface, name="Mushroom interface") = Parameter.default(delta, name="delta") self.vf = Parameter.default(vf, name="vf") self.sigma = Parameter.default(sigma, name="sigma") self.solvent = solvent self.polymer = polymer = name
[docs] def parameters(self): return { 'solvent': self.solvent.parameters(), 'polymer': self.polymer.parameters(), 'delta':, 'vf': self.vf, 'sigma': self.sigma, 'thickness': self.thickness, 'interface': self.interface }
[docs] def to_dict(self): return to_dict({ 'type': type(self).__name__, 'name':, 'profile': self.profile, 'thickness': self.thickness, 'interface': self.interface, 'delta':, 'vf': self.vf, 'sigma': self.sigma, 'solvent': self.solvent, 'polymer': self.polymer, })
[docs] def profile(self, z): delta, sigma, vf, thickness = [ p.value for p in (, self.sigma, self.vf, self.thickness) ] return smear(z, MushroomProfile(z, delta, vf, sigma), sigma)
[docs] def render(self, probe, slabs): thickness = self.thickness.value Pw, Pz = slabs.microslabs(thickness) # Skip layer if it falls to zero thickness. This may lead to # problems in the fitter, since R(thickness) is non-differentiable # at thickness = 0. "Clip to boundary" range handling will at # least allow this point to be found. # TODO: consider using this behaviour on all layer types. if len(Pw) == 0: return Mr, Mi = self.polymer.sld(probe) Sr, Si = self.solvent.sld(probe) M = Mr + 1j*Mi S = Sr + 1j*Si try: M, S = M[0], S[0] # Temporary hack except: pass phi = self.profile(Pz) Pw, phi = util.merge_ends(Pw, phi, tol=1e-3) P = M*phi + S*(1-phi) Pr, Pi = np.real(P), np.imag(P) slabs.extend(rho=[Pr], irho=[Pi], w=Pw)
def MushroomProfile(z, delta=0.1, vf=1.0, sigma=1.0): thickness = layer_thickness(z) thresh = 1e-10 base = 3.0*sigma # tail is erf, capture 95% of the mixing Rg = (thickness-base) / 4.0 # profile ends by ~4 RG, so we can tether these keep = (z-base) >= 0.0 x = (z[keep] - base) / Rg """ mushroom_profile_math has a divide by zero problem at delta=0. Fix it by weighted average of the profile above and below a threshold. No visual difference when delta is between +-0.001, and there's no floating point error until ~+-1e-14. """ if abs(delta) > thresh: mushroom_profile = mushroom_math(x, delta, vf) else: # we should RARELY get here scale = (delta+thresh)/2.0/thresh mushroom_profile = (scale*mushroom_math(x, thresh, vf) + (1.0-scale)*mushroom_math(x, -thresh, vf)) try: # make the base connect with the profile zextra = z[np.logical_not(keep)] base_profile = ones_like(zextra)*mushroom_profile[0] except IndexError: base_profile = ones_like(z)*mushroom_profile[0] return hstack((base_profile, mushroom_profile)) def mushroom_math(x, delta=.1, vf=.1): """ new method, rewrite for numerical stability at high delta delta=0 causes divide by zero error!! Compensate elsewhere. """ from scipy.special import erfc, erfcx x_half = x/2.0 delta_double = 2.0*delta return ( ( erfc(x_half) -erfcx(delta_double+x_half)/exp(x_half*x_half) -erfc(x) + ( (.25-delta*(x+delta_double))*erfcx(delta_double+x) + delta/SQRT_PI ) * 4.0 / exp(x*x) ) * vf / (delta_double * erfcx(delta_double)) )
[docs] class EndTetheredPolymer(Layer): r""" Polymer end-tethered to an interface in a solvent Uses a numerical self-consistent field profile.\ [#Cosgrove]_\ [#deVos]_\ [#Sheridan]_ **Parameters** *chi* solvent interaction parameter *chi_s* surface interaction parameter *h_dry* thickness of the neat polymer layer *l_lat* real length per lattice site *mn* Number average molecular weight *m_lat* real mass per lattice segment *pdi* Dispersity (Polydispersity index) *phi_b* volume fraction of free chains in solution. useful for associating grafted films e.g. PS-COOH in Toluene with an SiO2 surface. *thickness* Slab thickness should be greater than the contour length of the polymer *interface* should be zero *material* the polymer material *solvent* the solvent material Previous layer should not have roughness! Use a spline to simulate it. According to [#Vincent]_, $l_\text{lat}$ and $m_\text{lat}$ should be calculated by the formulas: .. math:: l_\text{lat} &= \frac{a^2 m/l}{p_l} \\ m_\text{lat} &= \frac{(a m/l)^2}{p_l} where $l$ is the real polymer's bond length, $m$ is the real segment mass, and $a$ is the ratio between molecular weight and radius of gyration at theta conditions. The lattice persistence, $p_l$, is: .. math:: p_l = \frac16 \frac{1+1/Z}{1-1/Z} with coordination number $Z = 6$ for a cubic lattice, $p_l = .233$. """ def __init__(self, thickness=0, interface=0, name="EndTetheredPolymer", polymer=None, solvent=None, chi=0, chi_s=0, h_dry=None, l_lat=1, mn=None, m_lat=1, pdi=1, phi_b=0): if interface != 0: raise NotImplementedError("interface not yet supported") if polymer is None or solvent is None or h_dry is None or mn is None: raise TypeError("Need polymer, solvent and profile") self.thickness = Parameter.default(thickness, name="SCF thickness") self.interface = Parameter.default(interface, name="SCF interface") self.chi = Parameter.default(chi, name="Chi") self.chi_s = Parameter.default(chi_s, name="Surface chi") self.h_dry = Parameter.default(h_dry, name="Dry thickness") self.l_lat = Parameter.default(l_lat, name="Lattice layer length") = Parameter.default(mn, name="Num. avg. MW") self.m_lat = Parameter.default(m_lat, name="Lattice segegment mass") self.pdi = Parameter.default(pdi, name="Dispersity") self.phi_b = Parameter.default(phi_b, name="Free polymer conc.") self.solvent = solvent self.polymer = polymer = name
[docs] def parameters(self): return { 'solvent': self.solvent.parameters(), 'polymer': self.polymer.parameters(), 'chi': self.chi, 'chi_s': self.chi_s, 'h_dry': self.h_dry, 'l_lat': self.l_lat, 'mn':, 'm_lat': self.m_lat, 'pdi': self.pdi, 'phi_b': self.phi_b, 'thickness': self.thickness, 'interface': self.interface }
[docs] def to_dict(self): return to_dict({ 'type': type(self).__name__, 'name':, 'thickness': self.thickness, 'interface': self.interface, 'chi': self.chi, 'chi_s': self.chi_s, 'h_dry': self.h_dry, 'l_lat': self.l_lat, 'mn':, 'm_lat': self.m_lat, 'pdi': self.pdi, 'phi_b': self.phi_b, 'solvent': self.solvent, 'polymer': self.polymer, })
[docs] def profile(self, z): return SCFprofile(z, chi=self.chi.value, chi_s=self.chi_s.value, h_dry=self.h_dry.value, l_lat=self.l_lat.value,, m_lat=self.m_lat.value, pdi=self.pdi.value, phi_b=self.phi_b.value)
[docs] def render(self, probe, slabs): thickness = self.thickness.value Pw, Pz = slabs.microslabs(thickness) # Skip layer if it falls to zero thickness. This may lead to # problems in the fitter, since R(thickness) is non-differentiable # at thickness = 0. "Clip to boundary" range handling will at # least allow this point to be found. # TODO: consider using this behaviour on all layer types. if len(Pw) == 0: return Mr, Mi = self.polymer.sld(probe) Sr, Si = self.solvent.sld(probe) M = Mr + 1j*Mi S = Sr + 1j*Si try: M, S = M[0], S[0] # Temporary hack except: pass phi = self.profile(Pz) Pw, phi = util.merge_ends(Pw, phi, tol=1e-3) P = M*phi + S*(1-phi) Pr, Pi = np.real(P), np.imag(P) slabs.extend(rho=[Pr], irho=[Pi], w=Pw)
def SCFprofile(z, chi=None, chi_s=None, h_dry=None, l_lat=1, mn=None, m_lat=1, phi_b=0, pdi=1, disp=False): """ Generate volume fraction profile for Refl1D based on real parameters. The field theory is a lattice-based one, so we need to move between lattice and real space. This is done using the parameters l_lat and m_lat, the lattice size and the mass of a lattice segment, respectivley. We use h_dry (dry thickness) as a convenient measure of surface coverage, along with mn (number average molecular weight) as the real inputs. Make sure your inputs for h_dry/l_lat and mn/m_lat match dimensions! Angstroms and daltons are good choices. This function is suitable for use as a VolumeProfile, as well as the default EndTetheredPolymer class. """ # calculate lattice space parameters theta = h_dry/l_lat segments = mn/m_lat sigma = theta/segments # solve the self consistent field equations using the cache if disp: print("\n=====Begin calculations=====\n") phi_lat = SCFcache(chi, chi_s, pdi, sigma, phi_b, segments, disp) if disp: print("\n============================\n") # Chop edge effects out for x, layer in enumerate(reversed(phi_lat)): if abs(layer - phi_b) < 1e-6: break phi_lat = phi_lat[:-(x + 1)] # re-dimensionalize the solution layers = len(phi_lat) z_end = l_lat*layers z_lat = np.linspace(0.0, z_end, num=layers) phi = np.interp(z, z_lat, phi_lat, right=phi_b) return phi _SCFcache_dict = OrderedDict() def SCFcache(chi, chi_s, pdi, sigma, phi_b, segments, disp=False, cache=_SCFcache_dict): """Return a memoized SCF result by walking from a previous solution. Using an OrderedDict because I want to prune keys FIFO """ from scipy.optimize.nonlin import NoConvergence # prime the cache with a known easy solutions if not cache: cache[(0, 0, 0, .1, .1, .1)] = SCFsolve(sigma=.1, phi_b=.1, segments=50, disp=disp) cache[(0, 0, 0, 0, .1, .1)] = SCFsolve(sigma=0, phi_b=.1, segments=50, disp=disp) cache[(0, 0, 0, .1, 0, .1)] = SCFsolve(sigma=.1, phi_b=0, segments=50, disp=disp) if disp: starttime = time() # Try to keep the parameters between 0 and 1. Factors are arbitrary. scaled_parameters = (chi, chi_s * 3, pdi - 1, sigma, phi_b, segments / 500) # longshot, but return a cached result if we hit it if scaled_parameters in cache: if disp: print('SCFcache hit at:', scaled_parameters) phi = cache[scaled_parameters] = cache.pop(scaled_parameters) return phi # Find the closest parameters in the cache: O(len(cache)) # Numpy setup cached_parameters = tuple(dict.__iter__(cache)) cp_array = np.array(cached_parameters) p_array = np.array(scaled_parameters) # Calculate distances to all cached parameters deltas = p_array - cp_array # Parameter space displacement vectors closest_index = np.sum(deltas * deltas, axis=1).argmin() # Organize closest point data for later use closest_cp = cached_parameters[closest_index] closest_cp_array = cp_array[closest_index] closest_delta = deltas[closest_index] phi = cache[closest_cp] = cache.pop(closest_cp) if disp: print("Walking from nearest:", closest_cp_array) print("to:", p_array) """ We must walk from the previously cached point to the desired region. This is goes from step=0 (cached) and step=1 (finish), where the step=0 is implicit above. We try the full step first, so that this function only calls SCFsolve one time during normal cache misses. The solver may not converge if the step size is too big. In that case, we retry with half the step size. This should find the edge of the basin of attraction for the solution eventually. On successful steps we increase stepsize slightly to accelerate after getting stuck. It might seem to make sense to bin parameters into a coarser grid, so we would be more likely to have cache hits and use them, but this rarely happened in practice. """ step = 1.0 # Fractional distance between cached and requested dstep = 1.0 # Step size increment flag = True while flag: # end on 1.0 exactly every time if step >= 1.0: step = 1.0 flag = False # conditional math because, "why risk floating point error" if flag: p_tup = tuple(closest_cp_array + step*closest_delta) else: p_tup = scaled_parameters if disp: print('Parameter step is', step) print('current parameters:', p_tup) try: phi = SCFsolve(p_tup[0], p_tup[1] / 3, p_tup[2] + 1, p_tup[3], p_tup[4], p_tup[5] * 500, disp=disp, phi0=phi) except (NoConvergence, ValueError) as e: if isinstance(e, ValueError): if str(e) != "array must not contain infs or NaNs": raise if disp: print('Step failed') flag = True # Reset this so we don't quit if step=1.0 fails dstep *= .5 step -= dstep if dstep < 1e-5: raise RuntimeError('Cache walk appears to be stuck') else: # Belongs to try, executes if no exception is raised cache[p_tup] = phi dstep *= 1.05 step += dstep if disp: print('SCFcache execution time:', round(time()-starttime, 3), "s") # keep the cache from consuming all things while len(cache) > 100: cache.popitem(last=False) return phi def SCFsolve(chi=0, chi_s=0, pdi=1, sigma=None, phi_b=0, segments=None, disp=False, phi0=None, maxiter=30): """Solve SCF equations using an initial guess and lattice parameters This function finds a solution for the equations where the lattice size is sufficiently large. The Newton-Krylov solver really makes this one. With gmres, it was faster than the other solvers by quite a lot. """ from scipy.optimize import newton_krylov if sigma >= 1: raise ValueError('Chains that short cannot be squeezed that high') if disp: starttime = time() p_i = SZdist(pdi, segments) if phi0 is None: # TODO: Better initial guess for chi>.6 phi0 = default_guess(segments, sigma) if disp: print('No guess passed, using default phi0: layers =', len(phi0)) else: phi0 = abs(phi0) phi0[phi0>.99999] = .99999 if disp: print("Initial guess passed: layers =", len(phi0)) # resizing loop variables jac_solve_method = 'gmres' lattice_too_small = True # We tolerate up to 1 ppm deviation from bulk phi # when counting layers_near_phi_b tol = 1e-6 def curried_SCFeqns(phi): return SCFeqns(phi, chi, chi_s, sigma, segments, p_i, phi_b) while lattice_too_small: if disp: print("Solving SCF equations") try: with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): phi = abs(newton_krylov(curried_SCFeqns, phi0, verbose=bool(disp), maxiter=maxiter, method=jac_solve_method, )) except RuntimeError as e: if str(e) == 'gmres is not re-entrant': # Threads are racing to use gmres. Lose the race and use # something slower but thread-safe. jac_solve_method = 'lgmres' continue else: raise if disp: print('lattice size:', len(phi)) phi_deviation = abs(phi - phi_b) layers_near_phi_b = phi_deviation < tol nbulk = np.sum(layers_near_phi_b) lattice_too_small = nbulk < MINBULK if lattice_too_small: # if there aren't enough layers_near_phi_b, grow the lattice 20% newlayers = max(1, round(len(phi0) * 0.2)) if disp: print('Growing undersized lattice by', newlayers) if nbulk: i = np.diff(layers_near_phi_b).nonzero()[0].max() else: i = phi_deviation.argmin() phi0 = np.insert(phi, i, np.linspace(phi[i - 1], phi[i], num=newlayers)) if nbulk > 2 * MINBULK: chop_end = np.diff(layers_near_phi_b).nonzero()[0].max() chop_start = chop_end - MINBULK i = np.arange(len(phi)) phi = phi[(i <= chop_start) | (i > chop_end)] if disp: print("SCFsolve execution time:", round(time()-starttime, 3), "s") return phi _SZdist_dict = OrderedDict() def SZdist(pdi, nn, cache=_SZdist_dict): """ Calculate Shultz-Zimm distribution from PDI and number average DP Shultz-Zimm is a "realistic" distribution for linear polymers. Numerical problems arise when the distribution gets too uniform, so if we find them, default to an exact uniform calculation. """ from scipy.special import gammaln args = pdi, nn if args in cache: cache[args] = cache.pop(args) return cache[args] uniform = False if pdi == 1.0: uniform = True elif pdi < 1.0: raise ValueError('Invalid PDI') else: x = 1.0/(pdi-1.0) # Calculate the distribution in chunks so we don't waste CPU time chunk = 256 p_ni_list = [] pdi_underflow = False for i in range(max(1, int((100*nn)/chunk))): ni = np.arange(chunk*i+1, chunk*(i+1)+1, dtype=np.float64) r = ni/nn xr = x*r p_ni = exp(log(x/ni) - gammaln(x+1) + xr*(log(xr)/r-1)) pdi_underflow = (p_ni>=1.0).any() # catch "too small PDI" if pdi_underflow: break # and break out to uniform calculation # Stop calculating when species account for less than 1ppm keep = (r < 1.0) | (p_ni >= 1e-6) if keep.all(): p_ni_list.append(p_ni) else: p_ni_list.append(p_ni[keep]) break else: # Belongs to the for loop. Executes if no break statement runs. raise RuntimeError('SZdist overflow') if uniform or pdi_underflow: # NOTE: rounding here allows nn to be a double in the rest of the logic p_ni = np.zeros(int(round(nn))) p_ni[-1] = 1.0 else: p_ni = np.concatenate(p_ni_list) p_ni /= p_ni.sum() cache[args]=p_ni if len(cache)>9000: cache.popitem(last=False) return p_ni def default_guess(segments=100, sigma=.5, phi_b=.1, chi=0, chi_s=0): """ Produce an initial guess for phi via analytical approximants. For now, a line using numbers from scaling theory """ ss=sqrt(sigma) default_layers = int(round(max(MINLAT, segments * ss))) default_phi0 = np.linspace(ss, phi_b, num=default_layers) return default_phi0 def SCFeqns(phi_z, chi, chi_s, sigma, n_avg, p_i, phi_b=0): """ System of SCF equation for terminally attached polymers. Formatted for input to a nonlinear minimizer or solver. The sign convention here on u is "backwards" and always has been. It saves a few sign flips, and looks more like Cosgrove's. """ # let the solver go negative if it wants phi_z = abs(phi_z) # penalize attempts that overfill the lattice toomuch = phi_z > .99999 penalty_flag = toomuch.any() if penalty_flag: penalty = np.where(toomuch, phi_z - .99999, 0) phi_z[toomuch] = .99999 # calculate new g_z (Boltzmann weighting factors) u_prime = log((1.0 - phi_z) / (1.0 - phi_b)) u_int = 2 * chi * (old_correlate(phi_z, LAMBDA_ARRAY, 1) - phi_b) u_int[0] += chi_s u_z = u_prime + u_int g_z = exp(u_z) # normalize g_z for numerical stability u_z_avg = np.mean(u_z) g_z_norm = g_z / exp(u_z_avg) phi_z_new = calc_phi_z(g_z_norm, n_avg, sigma, phi_b, u_z_avg, p_i) eps_z = phi_z - phi_z_new if penalty_flag: np.copysign(penalty, eps_z, penalty) eps_z += penalty return eps_z def calc_phi_z(g_z, n_avg, sigma, phi_b, u_z_avg=0, p_i=None): if p_i is None: segments = n_avg uniform = True else: segments = p_i.size uniform = segments == round(n_avg) g_zs = Propagator(g_z, segments) # for terminally attached chains if sigma: g_zs_ta = g_zs.ta() if uniform: c_i_ta = sigma / np.sum(g_zs_ta[:, -1]) g_zs_ta_ngts = g_zs.ngts_u(c_i_ta) else: c_i_ta = sigma * p_i / np.sum(g_zs_ta, axis=0) g_zs_ta_ngts = g_zs.ngts(c_i_ta) phi_z_ta = compose(g_zs_ta, g_zs_ta_ngts, g_z) else: phi_z_ta = 0 # for free chains if phi_b: g_zs_free = if uniform: r_i = segments c_free = phi_b / r_i normalizer = exp(u_z_avg * r_i) c_free = c_free * normalizer g_zs_free_ngts = g_zs.ngts_u(c_free) else: r_i = np.arange(1, segments + 1) c_i_free = phi_b * p_i / r_i normalizer = exp(u_z_avg * r_i) c_i_free = c_i_free * normalizer g_zs_free_ngts = g_zs.ngts(c_i_free) phi_z_free = compose(g_zs_free, g_zs_free_ngts, g_z) else: phi_z_free = 0 return phi_z_ta + phi_z_free def compose(g_zs, g_zs_ngts, g_z): prod = g_zs * np.fliplr(g_zs_ngts) prod[np.isnan(prod)] = 0 return np.sum(prod, axis=1) / g_z class Propagator(object): def __init__(self, g_z, segments): self.g_z = g_z self.shape = int(g_z.size), int(segments) def ta(self): # terminally attached beginnings # forward propagator g_zs = self._new() g_zs[:, 0] = 0.0 g_zs[0, 0] = self.g_z[0] _calc_g_zs_uniform(self.g_z, g_zs, LAMBDA_0, LAMBDA_1) return g_zs def free(self): # free beginnings # forward propagator g_zs = self._new() g_zs[:, 0] = self.g_z _calc_g_zs_uniform(self.g_z, g_zs, LAMBDA_0, LAMBDA_1) return g_zs def ngts_u(self, c): # free ends of uniform chains # reverse propagator g_zs = self._new() g_zs[:, 0] = c * self.g_z _calc_g_zs_uniform(self.g_z, g_zs, LAMBDA_0, LAMBDA_1) return g_zs def ngts(self, c_i): # free ends of disperse chains # reverse propagator g_zs = self._new() g_zs[:, 0] = c_i[-1] * self.g_z _calc_g_zs(self.g_z, c_i, g_zs, LAMBDA_0, LAMBDA_1) return g_zs def _new(self): return np.empty(self.shape, order='F') try: from numba import njit USE_NUMBA = True except ImportError: USE_NUMBA = False #USE_NUMBA = False # Uncomment when doing timing tests if USE_NUMBA: @njit('(f8[:], f8[:, :], f8, f8)', cache=True) def _calc_g_zs_uniform(g_z, g_zs, f0, f1): points, segments = g_zs.shape for r in range(segments-1): g_zs[0, r+1] = (g_zs[0, r]*f0 + g_zs[1, r]*f1)*g_z[0] #g_zs[1:-1, r+1] = np.correlate(g_zs[:, r], [f1, f0, f1], 'valid')*g_z[1:-1] for k in range(1, points-1): g_zs[k, r+1] = ( g_zs[k, r]*f0 + (g_zs[k-1, r] + g_zs[k+1, r])*f1)*g_z[k] g_zs[-1, r+1] = (g_zs[-2, r]*f1 + g_zs[-1, r]*f0)*g_z[-1] @njit('(f8[:], f8[:], f8[:, :], f8, f8)', cache=True) def _calc_g_zs(g_z, c_i, g_zs, f0, f1): points, segments = g_zs.shape for r in range(segments-1): c_ir = c_i[segments-(r+1)-1] g_zs[0, r+1] = (g_zs[0, r]*f0 + g_zs[1, r]*f1 + c_ir)*g_z[0] #g_zs[1:-1, r+1] = (np.correlate(g_zs[:, r], fir, 'valid') + c_ir)*g_z[1:-1] for k in range(1, points-1): g_zs[k, r+1] = ( g_zs[k, r]*f0 + (g_zs[k-1, r] + g_zs[k+1, r])*f1 + c_ir)*g_z[k] g_zs[-1, r+1] = (g_zs[-2, r]*f1 + g_zs[-1, r]*f0 + c_ir)*g_z[-1] else: def _calc_g_zs(g_z, c_i, g_zs, f0, f1): coeff = np.array([f1, f0, f1]) pg_zs = g_zs[:, 0] segment_iterator = enumerate(c_i[::-1]) next(segment_iterator) for r, c in segment_iterator: g_zs[:, r] = pg_zs = (old_correlate(pg_zs, coeff, 1) + c) * g_z def _calc_g_zs_uniform(g_z, g_zs, f0, f1): coeff = np.array([f1, f0, f1]) segments = g_zs.shape[1] pg_zs = g_zs[:, 0] for r in range(1, segments): g_zs[:, r] = pg_zs = old_correlate(pg_zs, coeff, 1) * g_z