Source code for refl1d.util

__all__ = ["merge_ends"]

import sys

import numpy as np

# CRUFT: 2.7 support
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
    def asbytes(s):
        return s.encode('utf-8')
    def asbytes(s):
        return s

[docs] def merge_ends(w, p, tol=1e-3): """ join the leading and trailing ends of the profile together so fewer slabs are required and so that gaussian roughness can be used. """ # TODO: accept rho, rhoi pairs as well # TODO: make sure we apply an interface to the right as well as the left try: # Assuming there p[0] != p[-1] within tolerance, we are guaranteed # that we will have a first value not equivalent to p[0] on the # left, with index > 0 and a last value not equivalent to p[-1] on # the right, with index < -1. We are going to put the first value # at left index - 1 and the last value at right index + 1, accumulating # the widths of the identical layers. lidx = np.where(abs(p-p[0]) > tol)[0][0]-1 ridx = len(p) - np.where(abs(p[::-1]-p[-1]) > tol)[0][0] w[lidx], p[lidx] = np.sum(w[:lidx+1]), p[0] w[ridx], p[ridx] = np.sum(w[ridx:]), p[-1] return w[lidx:ridx+1], p[lidx:ridx+1] except Exception: if len(w): # All one big layer w[0] = np.sum(w) return w[0:1], p[0:1] else: return w, p